Get Involved!
Make a portrait / Interview a hero
Artists & writers, sign up to document a community hero story.
Nominate a neighborhood hero
Who has sustained and supported your community through the years?
Organize a project in your community
Use the Community Heroes toolkit as a resource to create a project in your neighborhood
Sign up to be paired with a community hero to document their story either by interviewing them or creating their portrait. Please note that proximity is a core value of this project, so storytellers who live, work, or have a relationship with the neighborhood will have priority.
Artists & Photographers
We are seeking local artists to make a portrait of each community hero. Artists will meet the community hero for a 1-hour storytelling session to take their portrait. For community heroes who have passed away, the artist will meet with that person’s friends and family to create a collage portrait made of old photos and ephemera. The artist will be asked to submit a high resolution portrait of the community hero, as well as a short bio, headshot, and social media handles for themselves. (Artists will receive an honorarium.)

Youth Writers
We are seeking young people to interview each community hero. Writers will meet the community hero for a 1 hour storytelling session to interview them. For community heroes who have passed away, the writer will meet with that person’s friends and family to learn about the person. The writer will be asked to submit 1-2 paragraph bio about the community hero, as well as a short bio, headshot, and social media handles for themselves. (Youth writers will receive an honorarium.)
Do you know a neighbor who has faithfully nurtured, strengthened and supported your neighborhood through the years? Nominate them to have their story told as part of this public art project. The project centers long-term residents, but recognizes the contribution of everyone including young people and new residents. Both community members who are alive, or have passed away may be honored.
If you don’t see your neighborhood listed, YOU can organize a project in your community.
If you don’t see your neighborhood listed, YOU can organize a project in your community.
Aug 16, 2023: Celebrating Fort Greene Park Community Heroes
Wednesday August 16 was the Fort Greene Park Community Heroes Meet & Greet! So many people came out to support and celebrate their loved ones and neighbors! 1) The crowd cheering for this year's Community Heroes! 2) Friends and family
Aug 12, 2023: Celebrating Commodore Barry Community Heroes
Saturday August 12 was the Commodore Barry Park Community Heroes opening celebration, and it was filled with love and community pride! 1) Mary Fowler's friends and family remembering her in front of her banner 2 ) Community Hero Coach Ron