Fort Greene

Romulus 'Coach Ron' Britt

Romulus Britt, known as “Coach Ron,” has lived in the Fort Greene area for over 60 years and continues to serve as a community activist. For 25 years, Coach Ron worked as a development coach to teach young athletes how to play basketball. He coached NBA players and WNBA players. He also coached players for the Special Olympics. He coached students at Susan S. Mckinney High School and is still involved in the school community today by being part of the athletic program. By helping sports reach many people’s lives, Coach Ron made a difference for the youth. He saw young people go to college, achieve their dreams, and even play professionally. “Being a basketball coach, working in a community, helping kids do the right thing—that’s activism.”

Growing up in Fort Greene, Coach Ron was inspired by his parents, who were also community activists and encouraged him to do the right thing. He recalls Fort Greene as a special place where everyone was one community. “We all stuck together. We were all family. We respected each other.” The older guys in the community were also role models for Coach Ron. They instilled in him the love of sports and importance of education by taking him to games, looking out for him, and preaching going to school. Coach Ron recognizes that sports kept him off the streets and out of trouble. 

He speaks to young people about the value of education, respect, and the importance of doing the right thing. He is a firm believer that being a student comes first before being an athlete. He tells young people all the time, “Listen to your teachers. Listen to your parents. Listen to your coaches.” Coach Ron’s commitment as an advocate for education and his dedication as an activist has made him a cherished member of the Fort Greene community. 




Romulus Britt, conocido como “Coach Ron”, ha vivido en el área de Fort Greene por más de 60 años y continúa su servicio como activista comunitario. Durante 25 años, Coach Ron trabajó como entrenador de desarrollo, enseñando a jóvenes atletas a jugar al baloncesto. Entrenó a jugadores de la NBA y de la WNBA. También entrenó a jugadores para las Olimpiadas Especiales. Entrenó a estudiantes en Susan S. McKinney High School y todavía está involucrado en la comunidad escolar hoy en día como parte del programa atlético. Al ayudar a que el deporte llegue a la vida de muchas personas, Coach Ron marcó una diferencia para los jóvenes. Vio a jóvenes ir a la universidad, alcanzar sus sueños e incluso jugar a nivel profesional. “Ser entrenador de baloncesto, trabajar en una comunidad, ayudar a los jóvenes a hacer lo correcto, eso es activismo”.

Criado en Fort Greene, los padres de Coach Ron fueron su inspiración, también eran activistas de la comunidad y lo alentaron a hacer lo correcto. Recuerda que Fort Greene era un lugar especial donde todos eran una comunidad. “Todos estábamos unidos. Todos éramos familia. Nos respetábamos mutuamente”. Los hombres adultos de la comunidad también fueron modelos a seguir para Coach Ron. Le inculcaron el amor por los deportes y la importancia de la educación llevándolo a partidos, cuidándolo y predicando ir a la escuela. Coach Ron reconoce que los deportes lo mantuvieron alejado de las calles y fuera de problemas.

Habla a los jóvenes sobre el valor de la educación, el respeto y la importancia de hacer lo correcto. Cree firmemente que ser estudiante es lo primero antes de ser atleta. Siempre les dice a los jóvenes, “Escucha a tus maestros. Escucha a tus padres. Escucha a tus entrenadores”. El compromiso de Coach Ron por promover la educación y su dedicación como activista lo ha convertido en un miembro querido de la comunidad de Fort Greene.

Portrait by

Anthony Geathers

Born in Bedford Stuyvesant, on April 15, 1990; my 7th grade history teacher was the person to put a camera in my hand. I studied photography in high school, served in the Marine Corps and found my way back to photography afterwards. In 2019, I started the REPRESENT NYC project in Fort Greene alongside my homie to pay homage to 90s NYC culture and the Fort Greene Projects.

Text by

Sonia Fung

I am a rising sophomore attending Brooklyn Tech. Fort Greene Park was one of the first places I explored when I came to the school and now I often enjoy spending time here.

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